Finally I get down to blogging. Have been pondering over this for quite a long time now. One of my friends kept paining me for starting a blog and this first post goes out to her. I am writing this blog as I had nothing else to do. I want to do so many things...its a nice pleasant evening and lakeside would be the best place to be right now. But alas, I don't have company and I am not a lone wanderer.
Looking at the brighter side, I finally got down to blogging. That's the kind of person I am....totally optimistic in life. I am also a complete chatter I guess I will be blogging a lot.
Right now I am spending the last few days (43 to be precise) at IIT Bombay. What a journey its been! More on life@iitb in a separate post. These last few days are bothering me like hell as I hadn't taken my BTP (B.Tech Project) seriously and its in a bad state right now with just two weeks to go. If things go wrong, I could end up spending more time at IIT Bombay than those official 43 days. Should I be happy getting to spend more time here? Nah, 4 years is the ideal amount of time to be spending here. Life does get a bit monotonous after some time.
I like to explore new things. At first sight, lots of things excite me. But more often that not, I do not sustain that momentum. I guess this blog is also getting a bit too long time to start something new ;-). Signing off for now.