Friday, August 7, 2015

Test cricket - the dream job

Test cricket is the most ideal government job that exists in this world. Just imagine routine of test cricketers:

  1. 9-5 routine: The day starts at 9 am and you leave the field at 5 pm irrespective of whether the allotted quota of 90 overs is complete or not

    Image result for test cricket end of day
  2. Chai time: You get a lunch break for 45 mins and then an effing tea break. Which sport in this world can even conjure up the idea of a TEA break!

  3. Peon (I mean 12th man): There is a 12th man in every team whose only job is to carry drinks for the playing team and substitute them when they are tired

    Image result for test cricket 12th man
  4. 5 day week, err test: A test match lasts for 5 days, yes 5 full days. And a lot of times the cricketers cannot even finish off a match in 5 days. Rings a bell?
    PS: There even existed a rest day bang in the middle of a test match up until 2001.
  5. Get paid for sitting on a chair: When your team is batting but you aren’t, all you do is sit on a chair and watch others play and still get paid for it!

It is the most glamorous government job one could imagine. If only getting in was easier!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Parallel lines never intersect

Is this a play of Words or play of Math? It probably is a combination of both. Parallel lines, in Euclidean geometry, never intersect.

Parallel things in real life keep intersecting, don't they? When we work on two tasks in parallel, the tasks keep intersecting with each other, from a time perspective. People whose lives are parallel, keep bumping into each other. Euclidean geometry says that people whose lives are parallel ought to have never met! And I thought a marriage makes lives of the spouses parallel!

Moral: Life follows more of Projective geometry than Euclidean geometry. Also, life would be much more complicated if it followed Euclidean geometry.

PS: Does Math intersect Philosophy or are they parallel?