Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The great Indian traveler

We Indians are paranoid when it comes to boarding aircrafts. I guess it stems from our experiences in boarding buses and trains in our country, especially the local trains in Mumbai. One has to fight for every inch of space, for every mole of O2. I myself have been in situations where am hanging from the door of a train with one hand holding my bag, and the other holding my weight. To make matters worse, the track was circular and the centripetal force started pushing me out of the train, as if the forces applied by other passengers was not enough. Thanks to my stars, and all the temple visits, the almighty was generous enough!

Anyhow, as soon as we Indians hear "We are commencing boarding for Flight AI 884. All passengers are requested to proceed to the boarding gates." we jump out of our seats and run to be the first ones in the queue. I personally think this behavior is based on three flawed assumptions!

1) The Pigeonhole Principle is not applied to seats in an aircraft:
The number of seats in the aircraft is always greater than the number of passengers waiting to board it unlike what we Indians experience daily (in locals and buses)! Little do we realize that its not a Virar fast train that is just reaching Churchgate station and seats will not be allotted on a first-come-first-serve basis. We all have a boarding pass with a designated seat number printed on it! Boarding first or last does not change your seat number magically.

2) The buses follow a LIFO system:
Typically airlines take you from the boarding gate to the aircraft in a shuttle service. Ever noticed that the passenger who gets into the shuttle last is actually the first passenger to get out of the shuttle! Voila, the earlier you enter, the later you get out. So, guys and gals, remember, always be the last person to get into the shuttle which implies always be the last person in the queue at the boarding gate.

3) The last passenger is the RDS:
The flight typically does not take-off until the very last passenger has boarded it. So you boarding the aircraft 30 mins before take-off does no good! Relax a bit, take a small nap, read some newspaper, play some game on your phone, but do not, I repeat, do not run to the boarding gate.

On a serious note, let us all show some maturity while traveling and be courteous to our fellow passengers. Every traveler desires a comfortable and peaceful journey.

1 comment:

Katha Collage said...

Wow! Now that you have applied principles to explain the problem, I am expecting a 2x2 matrix any time now! :P